
thank you for choosing to submit a rip to the ZzzzaZzzzzr channel!
however, before you submit, here's a list of things to consider!

rules n' regulations

rips that contain any of the following will not be accepted:
hate speech or otherwise offensive content
shock humor
overbearingly loud audio as the joke
copyrighted material that would end up getting copyright strikes on the channel
unedited audio

rips that are any of the following in a non-joking manner will be given a "second chance", and you will be contacted to fix said issues:
noticably off-beat
noticably off-key
noticably clipping, or has noticable audio mixing issues

other things to keep in mind:
video submittions are to be submitted via email to
fanon lore is allowed and will be in it's own seperate "timeline"

thank you for abiding by the rules! happy ripping!